Xen Orchestra 5.43
Compatibility with CH 8.1
Citrix Hypervisor 8.1 has been available for a few weeks and Xen Orchestra is now fully compatible with it.
⚠: For Windows VMs, Citrix has removed the quiesce snapshot feature which was required in order to avoid corruption when doing backup of Windows DBs or Active Directory. We have troubleshooted this issue by creating a fallback to standard snapshots when we catch the error.
XCP-ng 8.1
In the meantime we are working to release XCP-ng 8.1. A beta version of it is already available for testing.
XO Proxy public beta
We are still progressing with Xen Orchestra proxies. We are now ready to open the solution to a public beta for everyone to test. For now you will have the ability to deploy a proxy and make tests only with Full Backup job and Disaster Recovery.
If you are part of the testers, your feedback is really valuable and welcome in this dedicated forum thread!
To try the Xen Orchestra proxies, you need to be on the
release branch.
Full backup health check
To more efficiently detect corrupted backup files, we have added a health check on Full Backup jobs.
These new detection tools are working by checking if the XVA file created during the backup job is a valid file. We are not checking the content of the file itself, only the architecture of the file.
Note: This health check is only possible on uncompressed backup files and full backup jobs.
Smart backup with tags not existing yet
When creating a smart backup job, you have now the ability to create a rule which uses a tag not yet created/used in your infrastructure.
Tag selector
When you want to use a tag, you can now see the list of all existing tags and select among them.
Items displayed per page
We have improved the way objects are displayed in your XOA interface by adding an option to select the number of items you want to display on each page.