Xen Orchestra 5.30 ๐ŸŽ„

Happy holidays to everyone. It's time to celebrate all the accomplishments of this year and to take a look on what will comes in 2019!

Xen Orchestra 5.30 ๐ŸŽ„

Last release of 2018 for Xen Orchestra! Happy holiday to all of you and our best wishes for 2019. This year was epic, thanks to you!


A look back

This year, we added a lot of features in Xen Orchestra and improved a lot of aspects - some performances related, other UI related. Xen Orchestra is better than ever and will continue to be improved in 2019.

In 2018, we recreated our backup features from scratch, making them stronger and more reliable. Our very first webinar provides a lot of explanation about all the backup options and how to use it.

We also welcomed 2 new collaborators in our team, dedicated to Xen Orchestra - therefore it's now a team of 6 peoples, working daily on making Xen Orchestra the best admnistration, backup and management tool for XenServer and XCP-ng.


Happy birthday to XCP-ng! 2018 was also the first year of XCP-ng existence. You should already have heard of our open source hypervisor, but if you don't, take a look here.
To celebrate, we have created a review of this first year available on this page.

Finally, we have initiated a lot of exciting thing around R&D for XCP-ng and some innovations in XCP-ng built-in compression algorithm. The leads to faster backups in Xen Orchestra.

What's new in XO 5.30?

XOSAN view improved

You now have the possibility to sort SRs by name, size and free space in the XOSAN view.

Auto-connect to ejected hosts

When you are ejecting an host from a specific pool, Xen Orchestra will now automatically connect this host to your infrastructure. Therefore, the host ejected will stay visible in your infrastructure.

User group display

On the users management interface, you can now see all the group in which a user is assigned.

Tooltip for VMs status

There is now a tooltip to know the status of a specific VM (Running, Off, Pause...).

Backup job status for the last run

In the backup view, the status of the last run for each backup job is now displayed and you can access detailed informations from it.
This option is especially useful if you have a lot of jobs running and that you want to have a quick glimpse on the health of all your backup jobs.