Xen Orchestra 5.17

Release Mar 2, 2018

Here it comes! This release is officially the first milestone in our improved backup process. For a LOT of reasons.

Note: the new UI for backup-ng is still incomplete. But next patch release (and your feedback!) will improve this in the next weeks!


Because we made a full rewrite of backup code, we decided to keep the "legacy" at the same place, and to add a brand new UI in parallel. This way, you can test the new backup features on new jobs, without fearing for your previous/existing schedules.

To test and use our new backup code, just go into the new Backup-ng menu!


The list of new possibilities is so long that we created a dedicated blog post. So if you want to discover all the new features, go read our previous blog post on all the new XenServer backup possibilities!

In short:

  • multi-remote jobs
  • multi-schedule jobs
  • faster exports
  • faster merge (works also for legacy backup code!)
  • more resilient process
  • better logs
  • smart backup preview

New filters!

You can use the search field/filter with number comparison, eg to display only VMs with more than 2 snapshots:


Or maybe VMs with more 4 or more disks attached?


Same concept for the number of network interfaces:


You can also filter on memory, but it's not optimal for now: eg memory:dynamic:1:<1073741824 will filter to all VMs with less than 1GiB or dynamic max memory!

Self-service share

You can now share an existing VM into a self-service: this will make this VM accessible from all member of the resource set.

Disconnect VDIs

You can now disconnect or "forget" VDIs to their VMs directly from the SR view:



Olivier Lambert

Vates CEO & co-founder, Xen Orchestra and XCP-ng project creator. Enthusiast entrepreneur and Open Source advocate. A very happy Finnish Lapphund owner.