XOA Starter Early Access
We are proud to announce the Early Access release of Xen Orchestra Appliance "Starter" Edition!
Why we release a early access version ? In fact, all the features are tested, not the whole process around the product. But:
- We want to have the most feedback possible and as soon as we can. That's the way of lean.
- We want to offer you the best service, and it's only possible with this invaluable experience we'll share.
What will I get in this version?
- Shipped with the corporate support, you'll have the opportunity to report your bugs privatly thanks to our dedicated support system.
- Exceptionally, as a Early Access, we'll NOT LIMIT the number of possible tickets per month. Report as much as you need!
- You wont't have any commitment period. You can start with only one month if you like and unregister just after.
- You'll enjoy Patch upload, VM Import and Export and Snapshot Export combined with our unlimited corporate support.
- The release process will be shorter, so you'll have cutting edge version and the opportunity to give your voice about it.
What are the missing features?
- None. We have all the feature announced in the price plan. Early Access is about the whole process (registration, support) and for finding bugs in a larger scale.
Any drawbacks?
- Because it's a pre-release, we'll probably release versions without upgrade process. You'll probably have to re-download a new version when needed.
So, what are you are waiting for? Go subscribe to the early access now!