We are back!

Dec 8, 2012

After two years without news, we're back! Now, Xen Orchestra is redeveloped from scratch (with a company support), in order to work with XCP (and its powerful XAPI). Of course, it'll stay Open Source (surely AGPLv3). We decide to be transparent about our development process. The goal of XO:

  • provide a simple and nice interface to manage VM and XCP servers
  • display in one view the global state of your virtualization infrastructure
  • expose nice functionalities of XAPI to a web GUI (migrations between pools, manage storage repositories etc.)
  • get ideas and dev from community

Further news incoming!

Olivier Lambert

Vates CEO & co-founder, Xen Orchestra and XCP-ng project creator. Enthusiast entrepreneur and Open Source advocate. A very happy Finnish Lapphund owner.