New features in our website

Apr 28, 2015

Our objective with the Xen Orchestra's project, is to release a full and turnkey solution, not just the software (Xen Orchestra). XOA is a part of this: having pro support AND a virtual appliance at the same time, plus other nice possibilities.

That's why we extended our website to give our product a more unified experience, and a smoother purchase process.

Integrated support

Right in your member zone, you can now request support directly:

We'll update the ticket system progressively to display the ticket status, the answers and other cool struff directly here.

Multi-year with discount

You can now purchase XOA up to 3 years! (vs only 1 year max before).

Those discounts applies:

  • 2 years: 1 month free
  • 3 years: 2 month free

Purchaser option

If you need to have XOA purchased by your purchase service or a third-party, you can do it now. Here the workflow:

  • your purchaser register on our website
  • he can ask the role of purchaser in the member zone
  • as soon we validate it (less than 24h!), he can buy any XOA
  • ... and then he can attach it to any email (and yours if you are the final user)

This way, you can have XOA given by your purchaser, without to deal with invoices (that's the business of the purchaser after all).

Newsletter unsubscribe

If you don't want to receive an email when we release a new version of XOA, you can use this checkbox now:

What's next?

We'll also deliver in the next month a better coupling between your account and your XOA, allowing trial versions for a specific timeframe. This way, you'll be able to try Enterprise version for free.

We are also preparing a Partner program for companies which want to resell XOA directly to their customers.

Olivier Lambert

Vates CEO & co-founder, Xen Orchestra and XCP-ng project creator. Enthusiast entrepreneur and Open Source advocate. A very happy Finnish Lapphund owner.